• Corporate News

Anadolu Efes is listed In Borsa Istanbul’s Sustainability Index

With its work on sustainability, across an extended operational geography, Anadolu Efes is entitled to be listed in the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) Sustainability Index.

Guided by the principle of “Sustaining a Better Life” Anadolu Efes is entitled to be listed in the “Sustainability Index” of Borsa Istanbul, which is formed with the assessment of BIST 50 Index companies. 29 companies are listed in the index.

Sustainability performance of Anadolu Efes under its eight priority areas of water management, energy & emmissions management, enhancing the value chain, product responsibility, community development, talent management and packaging management have met the criteria required for listing in the BIST Sustainability Index.

Positive impact

Taking sustainability management as a cornerstone in all of its country operations, Anadolu Efes consistently takes a proactive approach towards effective disposal of risks, and creation of new opportunities, through its ‘Positive Impact Plan.’ As such, the company expands projects successfully implemented in one country throughout its extended operational geography.

Within the framework of its sustainability strategy, positive impacts and developments are shared regularly with the public, through Anadolu Efes’ annual Sustainability Report.

Index measures the organizational sustainability performance

BIST Sustainability Index is based on an assessment of the sustainability performance of publicly traded firms included in the BIST 50 list in the period January-March 2015. It offers an opportunity to examine firms’ perspectives on sustainability-related core issues such as global warming, biodiversity, use of natural resources, water consumption, occupational health and safety, employment, supply chains, and corporate governance.